Diversified investment portfolio

Investment Portfolio

A modern underground network for Madrid and Barcelona, a stable power grid for Finland and attractive motorway service areas and petrol stations in Germany – these are three examples of the long-term infrastructure investments by Allianz Capital Partners. The infrastructure team has been building a broadly diversified portfolio since 2007.


Affinity Water
Affinity Water
  • Water-only supply company
  • United Kingdom


  • Rolling stock leasing company
  • United Kingdom

colchester garrison

Colchester Garrison
colchester garrison
  • Garrison
  • United Kingdom


  • Gas network
  • United Kingdom

SFR ftth (altice)

SFR ftth (altice)
  • Fibre-to-the-home infrastructure
  • France


  • Gas pipeline system
  • Norway


Energy Finland
Energy Elenia
  • Electricity distribution
  • Finland

Tank & Rast

Tank & Rast
Tank & Rast
  • Network of motorway service areas
  • Germany


  • Gas pipeline system
  • Czech Republic


  • Gas distribution network
  • Czech Republic
Chicago Parking Meters
  • Parking meters
  • Chicago – USA
Chicago Parking Meters

Chicago Parking Meters

Thames Tideway Tunnel
  • New sewage tunnel
  • London – United Kingdom
Thames Tideway Tunnel

Thames Tideway Tunnel

  • Metro infrastructure
  • Madrid and Barcelona – Spain


  • Gas distribution
  • Spain


Autostrade per l’italia
  • Toll road network
  • Italy
Autostrade per L'italia

Autostrade per l’italia

gas connect austria (gca)
  • Gas pipeline system
  • Austria
Gas Connect Austria

gas connect austria (gca)

  • Broadband rollout
  • Austria
*Closing expected at the end of 2019.


Delgaz grid
  • Electricity and gas distribution grid
  • Romania
Delgaz Grid

Delgaz grid

IndInfravit Trust
  • Toll roads and road infrastructure
  • India
Indinfravit Trust

IndInfravit Trust

Affinity Water

Affinity Water

  • Water-only supply company
  • United Kingdom


  • Rolling stock leasing company
  • United Kingdom
Colchester Garrison

colchester garrison

  • Garrison
  • United Kingdom


  • Gas network
  • United Kingdom

SFR ftth (altice)

  • Fibre-to-the-home infrastructure
  • France


  • Gas pipeline system
  • Norway


  • Gas distribution network
  • Czech Republic
Energy Finland

Energy Elenia

  • Electricity distribution
  • Finland
Tank & Rast

Tank & Rast

  • Network of motorway service areas
  • Germany


  • Gas pipeline system
  • Czech Republic
Chicago Parking Meters

Chicago Parking Meters

  • Parking meters
  • Chicago – USA
Thames Tideway Tunnel

Thames Tideway Tunnel

  • New sewage tunnel
  • London – United Kingdom


  • Metro infrastructure
  • Madrid and Barcelona – Spain


  • Gas distribution
  • Spain
Autostrade per L'italia

Autostrade per l’italia

  • Toll road network
  • Italy
Gas Connect Austria

gas connect austria (gca)

  • Gas pipeline system
  • Austria


  • Broadband rollout
  • Austria
  • * Closing expected at the end of 2019

Delgaz Grid

Delgaz grid

  • Electricity and gas distribution grid
  • Romania
Indinfravit Trust

IndInfravit Trust

  • Toll roads and road infrastructure
  • India

The Thames Tideway Tunnel Project

The challenge…for London and its population
While still in good condition, London’s Victorian sewers no longer have the capacity to meet the demands of London today. To solve this environmental problem, a major new sewer is being built: the Thames Tideway Tunnel.

Allianz is invested in the project via the newly-created company Bazalgette Tunnel Limited – trading as Tideway – as part of a consortium with other infrastructure investors, with a stake of 34%.

More about this major project

Want to know more about our infrastructure investments with Allianz Capital Partners?

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Infrastructure systems with ACP

Infrastructure equity investments are highly illiquid and designed for long term professional investors only.

Investing involves risk. The value of an investment and the income from it may fall as well as rise and investors might not get back the full amount invested. Investing in fixed income instruments may expose investors to various risks, including but not limited to creditworthiness, interest rate, liquidity and restricted flexibility risks. Changes to the economic environment and market conditions may affect these risks, resulting in an adverse effect to the value of the investment. During periods of rising nominal interest rates, the values of fixed income instruments (including short positions with respect to fixed income instruments) are generally expected to decline. Conversely, during periods of declining interest rates, the values of these instruments are generally expected to rise. Liquidity risk may possibly delay or prevent account withdrawals or redemptions. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. If the currency in which the past performance is displayed differs from the currency of the country in which the investor resides, then the investor should be aware that due to the exchange rate fluctuations the performance shown may be higher or lower if converted into the investor’s local currency. The views and opinions expressed herein, which are subject to change without notice, are those of the issuer companies at the time of publication. The data used is derived from various sources, and assumed to be correct and reliable, but it has not been independently verified; its accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed and no liability is assumed for any direct or consequential losses arising from its use, unless caused by gross negligence or wilful misconduct. The conditions of any underlying offer or contract that may have been, or will be, made or concluded, shall prevail. This is a marketing communication issued by Allianz Global Investors GmbH, www.allianzgi.com, an investment company with limited liability, incorporated in Germany, with its registered office at Bockenheimer Landstrasse 42-44, 60323 Frankfurt/M, registered with the local court Frankfurt/M under HRB 9340, authorised by Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (www.bafin.de). Allianz Global Investors GmbH has established a branch in the Netherlands, Allianz Global Investors GmbH, Netherlands Branch, which is subject to limited regulation by Autoriteit Financiële Markten (www.afm.nl). The duplication, publication, or transmission of the contents, irrespective of the form, is not permitted; except for the case of explicit permission by Allianz Global Investors GmbH.

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