AllianzGI Insurance Snapshot

Adapting a portfolio to the Volatility Adjustment for Dutch insurers

No country like the other


The early COVID crisis had brought Volatility Adjustment (VA) to the forefront for Dutch insurers, as a form of standardisation. We appreciate that Volatility Adjustment is a technical concept, which is why we have a dedicated team at Allianz Global Investors for our Dutch insurers to reach out to if you have any questions or would like to discuss this topic further. It remains even more relevant especially after COVID, highlighting the need for VA to address changes by EIOPA, valuations of assets based on Solvency II and more.

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Sjoerd Angenent
Sjoerd Angenent

Institutional Business Development – The Netherlands

Tim Soetens
Tim Soetens

Institutional Business Development – The Netherlands

Dr. Florian A. Ueltzhöfer
Dr. Florian A. Ueltzhöfer

Insurance Strategist

Hadrien Sag
Hadrien Sag

Insurance Specialist

Topics covered:

  • The Volatility Adjustment: why is there such a thing as the “reference portfolio”?
  • The Dutch insurance market in volatile periods (COVID): what is the impact of using or not using the VA in the Dutch market?
  • Next Solvency II review: the VA methodology in the spotlight
  • Solvency II-optimised portfolio based on VA: why would it benefit insurers?
  • Case study: Four Steps Model for VA
  • Our distinctive insurance investment capabilities
  • Focus on SCR Spread optimisation
  • Insurance Asset Management at Allianz Global Investors
  • The “Evolution” of the Balance Sheet

For more information on our insurance capabilities visit our insurance website page here 

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This is a marketing communication issued by Allianz Global Investors GmbH,, an investment company with limited liability, incorporated in Germany, with its registered office at Bockenheimer Landstrasse 42-44, 60323 Frankfurt/M, registered with the local court Frankfurt/M under HRB 9340, authorised by Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht ( Allianz Global Investors GmbH has established branches in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands. Contact details and information on the local regulation are available here ( 

For investors in Switzerland
This is an advertising document issued by Allianz Global Investors (Schweiz) AG, a 100% subsidiary of Allianz Global Investors GmbH. For more information on our Insurance capabilities, please feel free to contact us or visit our website: Allianz Global Investors (


Active is: Inventing new opportunities

AI and Cybersecurity – Ushering in a new era

AI and Cybersecurity – Ushering in a new era


Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting computers, mobile devices, and other digital assets from malicious attacks. Over the last few decades, cyberattacks have become an evolving danger to both organisations and individuals. The growth of technology has led to more interconnectedness of organisations’ systems as well as a greater individual online presence.

Cybercriminals are capitalising on this change as there are more opportunities to access or destroy sensitive data. As a result, effective cybersecurity is becoming a necessity for organisations of all types and sizes. 1

Key takeaways

  • As more of our life goes digital, cybersecurity is becoming criticial to protect our data and assets.
  • AI is ideally suited to solve some of the most harmful cyber threats, as this environment rapidly evolves.
  • Governments and new legislation are expected to enforce a high priority on cybersecurity spending by corporations.

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